Building Maintenance/Repairs
Sanitary Sewer Repairs
Roof Maintenance/Repairs
Lighting Maintenance/Repairs
Door/Window Repairs
Grounds Maintenance
Concrete Repairs
Site Clean-up

Building & Site
Reimage Programs
Interior Remodeling
Plumbing Installation
Electrical Installation
ADA Accessibility Compliance
Stormwater Systems Compliance
Sanitary Sewer Systems
Parking Repairs/Striping
Equipment Installation

Electrical System Inspections
Facility Surveys & As Built Designs
Design, Installation
& Specification of:
� Stand-by & Emergency Generator
� Low & Medium Voltage
Distribution Systems
� Interior & Exterior
Lighting Systems

Facility Graphics & Signage
We can help.
Commercial Maintenance Systems, Inc. (CMS),
established in 1997, is a full-service maintenance
and remodeling company
providing building,
site and property repairs,
maintenance, equipment installation, dynamic renovations, and electrical
services.As a completely licensed company, we are recognized
by the State of Florida as a
It is the CMS vision to meet both the long-term and immediate needs of
our clients.
To accomplish that vision, we maintain the resources necessary for larger
projects with utility vehicles and a wide variety of tools and equipment, which positions us to be able to
address most any need.
At the same time, we respond rapidly to repair assignments with
crews dedicated to that purpose.
You are busy.
We understand.
The Principals of CMS have many years of
experience in the maintenance industry including
civil engineering, site
modification and renovation, building remodeling, code compliance, reimaging programs, and related
management services.
CBC # 058645
EC # 0001936 |

Our Tampa fleet is
to serve you.

Development Group
Our sister company
can provide all of your
engineering needs.
